March 5, 2024


Psalm 16 16:9-11 - Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption. You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.


In Psalm 16, David expresses his trust and delight in God. He knows that because he has set his mind on God, he will not be shaken (v.8). David's heart is glad and his whole being rejoices because God will not abandon him to the grave nor let him see decay (v.9-10). David sees that in God's presence there is fullness of joy and eternal pleasures (v.11). The documents provided give further insight into the joy that comes from trusting God. We see that salvation, spiritual victory, fellowship, and serving God bring great joy. There is a peaceful, confident joy that comes from what God has done (Psalm 126). As David directed his feelings to rejoice in God's salvation, we too can command our hearts to rejoice (Psalm 13). God's comforts also bring delight to our souls amidst adversity (Psalm 94). We are exhorted to continuously praise God with our entire being (Psalm 146). And all who trust in God have divine permission, a command, a need, and a promise to rejoice in Him (Psalm 5). The key is fixing our eyes on Jesus and setting Him before us at all times. Then we will know surpassing joy.


The joy described in Psalm 16 and the additional passages is not a fleeting happiness dependent on circumstances, but an abiding delight in God that transcends our troubles. When we set our minds on Christ, trust in His salvation, seek comfort from His Spirit, praise Him through trials, and hope in His eternal promises, we have fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore. Earthly joys are temporary, but the joy of the Lord is our strength. As believers, we can still struggle with despair, anxiety and discontentment at times. But we have the ability, through the power of the Spirit, to redirect our minds to the unchanging truths of God’s goodness and sovereignty. He will never abandon us, and His faithful love endures forever. We can boldly command our hearts to rejoice in Him, despite our feelings. As we fix our eyes on things above and set our minds on the Spirit, we gain an eternal perspective over our temporary troubles. Our inner being can then rejoice with hope and confidence in God’s salvation and the home He has prepared for us. Let us heed David’s example. May we praise God continually with our whole being, mind, heart and soul. May we find our satisfaction in His comforting presence each day, and not in fleeting pleasures. As we walk in step with the Spirit, we can know surpassing joy and fullness of life in Christ.


Heavenly Father, we praise You for being the source of eternal joy and pleasure. Forgive us God when we seek fleeting happiness in lesser things. Thank You for the gift of salvation and the hope of eternity with You. We ask You to order our minds and hearts to find joy in Your presence. Comfort us through every trial and adversity. At Your right hand are eternal pleasures forevermore. May we fix our eyes on You alone. We love You Lord. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Generated Image(s)

Joy eternal, peace sublime In God's presence, for all time

Joy eternal, peace sublime
In God's presence, for all time

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