May 25, 2024


Mark 10:16 - And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.


In Mark 10:13-16, we see a beautiful picture of Jesus' heart for children. People were bringing little children to Jesus, desiring for Him to touch and bless them. However, the disciples rebuked those who brought the children, likely thinking that Jesus was too busy or that the children were not important enough to warrant His attention. But Jesus' response is striking. He was 'indignant' when He saw what the disciples were doing. He insisted, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.' Jesus welcomed the children into His presence. He took them in His arms, placed His hands on them, and blessed them. Jesus' actions here teach us several important lessons. First, children are valuable and precious in God's sight. They are not too young or insignificant to receive His love and attention. Second, Jesus wants children to come to Him. He desires to pour out His love and blessing on them. Third, we must be careful not to hinder children from coming to Jesus, whether through our words, actions, or attitudes. Finally, Jesus tells us that the kingdom of God belongs to those who are like children. Children often exhibit humility, trust, and a simple faith. They are dependent on others and quick to believe. Jesus invites us to come to Him with that same childlike posture. We don't need to have it all figured out or earn our way into His presence. We simply need to run into His open arms, ready to receive His love and blessing.


As I reflect on this passage, I'm struck by the tenderness and accessibility of Jesus. The Son of God, the Savior of the world, took time to welcome and bless little children. He didn't see them as an interruption or beneath His notice. Rather, He embraced them, touched them, and spoke words of blessing over them. I wonder how many times I have overlooked or dismissed the little ones in my own life. Have I been too busy or preoccupied to give them my full attention? Have I failed to recognize the incredible value and potential in each child? This passage is a poignant reminder to cherish and invest in the children God has placed in my life. I'm also challenged by what it means to receive the kingdom of God like a little child. Children have a beautiful capacity for wonder, trust, and faith. They are not yet jaded by life's disappointments or weighed down by the cares of this world. They readily believe and receive good gifts. Oh, to have that kind of posture before God! To run into His presence with confidence, knowing that He delights in me as His child. To trust Him completely, even when I don't understand His ways. To receive His kingdom with joy and humility, recognizing that it is a gift I could never earn. As I look at the world around me, I recognize that so many children are facing unimaginable challenges - poverty, abuse, neglect, illness. They desperately need to know the love and blessing of Jesus. As His followers, we have the privilege and responsibility of being His hands and feet, reaching out to the little ones in His name. May we create homes, churches, and communities where children are welcomed, valued, and pointed to Jesus. May we model for them what it looks like to follow Him with childlike faith. And may we never underestimate the incredible potential of a child who has been touched and blessed by the Savior.


Heavenly Father, Thank You for the beautiful picture we see of Your heart for children in this passage. Thank You that You welcome them into Your presence with open arms. Thank You for the blessing and love You long to pour out on each precious little one. Forgive us for the times we have overlooked or dismissed the children in our lives. Give us Your heart for them. Help us to see them as You see them - valuable, full of potential, and worthy of our time and attention. Teach us what it means to receive Your kingdom like a little child. Free us from our pride and self-reliance. Give us humble, trusting hearts that are quick to believe and receive Your goodness. We pray for children all over the world who are suffering and in need. Would You wrap Your arms of love and protection around them. Provide for their needs. Heal their hurts. Draw them to Yourself. Use us to be Your hands and feet, showing them Your love in practical ways. May the little ones in our lives - whether in our families, churches, or communities - grow up knowing how deeply loved and valued they are by You. May they come to faith in Christ at an early age and follow Him all the days of their lives. We entrust our children to You, Lord. Bless them and keep them close to Your heart. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Generated Image(s)

Here is a poetic caption for the image: Embraced by the Savior's gentle grace, Children bask in His loving embrace. Blessed by the light that shines from above, They rest secure in the Shepherd's love.

Here is a poetic caption for the image:

Embraced by the Savior's gentle grace,
Children bask in His loving embrace.
Blessed by the light that shines from above,
They rest secure in the Shepherd's love.

This image was generated by AI from the devotion text.