March 10, 2024


Philippians 4:5-7 - Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


In Philippians 4:5-7, Paul encourages the Philippians to be gentle and reasonable with all people. He reminds them that the Lord's coming is near, so they should not be anxious but instead pray about everything, with thankful hearts. God's peace, which is beyond human understanding, will guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Paul wants the Philippians to have the right attitude and perspective, not quarreling and fighting but displaying gentleness. This gentleness should be evident to everyone, not just certain people. Since Jesus could return at any time, Paul tells them not to worry but instead pray about everything. As they make requests to God, they should have thankful hearts. When they live this way, the peace of God - which is far greater than we can comprehend - will guard their hearts and minds. This powerful peace comes from being in relationship with Jesus. So Paul gives the Philippians practical advice about living in light of Jesus' imminent return. Knowing that He could come back soon should change how they think and act. An awareness of eternity removes anxiety and unnecessary earthly concerns. Instead of worrying, they can talk to God about anything, while maintaining an attitude of gratitude. This relational connection ushers in supernatural peace to provide stability and protection for their inner being. Such confident hope allows them to show gentleness to all.


Paul's words to the Philippians can guide us today. We too should make gentleness evident to everyone around us. Since we don't know exactly when Jesus will return, we must live prepared for His coming and not entangled in earthly worries. I struggle with anxiety over temporary problems, but Paul gives me perspective - the Lord could return any day, so I need to let go of lesser concerns. My focus should be on living for eternity, not getting caught up in earthly drama and quarrels. When disagreements arise or problems occur, I'm called to respond gently and reasonably. Patience, compassion, and level-headedness should mark my interactions. I'm convicted that I don't consistently have an attitude of thanksgiving accompanying my frequent prayers. Paul says we should pray about everything with grateful hearts! God desires us to bring our requests to Him, trusting His ability and willingness to help. He wants us to talk to Him not just when we need something but about everything going on in our lives. A heart of gratitude enables us to do this. Thanking God in the midst of difficulties can be challenging, but it demonstrates incredible faith. As we give thanks for who God is and what He has already done for us, we gain an eternal perspective that lessens earthly anxieties. This overflows into supernatural peace - which I definitely need more of! God's peace truly surpasses human understanding. It steadies our minds and guards our hearts no matter what storms come against us. This peace comes from Jesus, through relationship with Him. As we walk closely with God, trusting Him with thankful hearts, we receive divine protection and stability for our inner being. What an incredible gift to ask for and nurture! We all need more of God's peace. May we earnestly seek it as we lift our requests to our faithful Father.


Lord Jesus, thank You for instructing us through Your word. I ask You to develop gentleness, patience, and reasonableness in me. Help me live aware of Your imminent return, focused on eternity rather than earthly worries. When disagreements and difficulties arise, enable me to respond with compassion. Instead of anxiety, grant me grateful trust as I bring my requests to You. I want to talk to You about everything with praise on my lips. Thank You for Your faithful care and protection. How I need more of Your supernatural peace guarding my heart and mind! Deepen my relationship with You so I can receive this precious gift. Prince of Peace, make me an instrument of Your peace to everyone around me. Come quickly, Lord Jesus! But help me live prepared and unentangled until You come. Amen.

Generated Image(s)

The gentle breeze of peace surrounds the reasonable soul.

The gentle breeze of peace surrounds the reasonable soul.

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