April 6, 2024

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Luke 7:50 - And he said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace."


In Luke 7:50, Jesus speaks to a woman who had just anointed his feet with her tears and expensive perfume. This woman was known as a sinner in her town, likely a prostitute. When she came to Jesus, weeping and worshipping him, the Pharisees criticized Jesus for allowing such a sinful woman to touch him. But Jesus, in his compassion, saw the woman's faith and repentant heart. He declared that her sins were forgiven and told her 'Your faith has saved you; go in peace.' This short verse reveals so much about the heart of Jesus and the peace he offers. This sinful woman found the courage to approach Jesus in faith, despite what others thought of her. She humbled herself before him and poured out her heart in worship. And in response, Jesus gave her the priceless gifts of forgiveness and peace. He didn't condemn her or turn her away. He accepted her, forgave her completely, and sent her out with a benediction of peace. The peace Jesus gave this woman was not a superficial, temporary peace. It was the deep, lasting peace that comes from being made right with God. Her many sins no longer separated her from her Creator. She was cleansed, redeemed, reconciled to God through her faith in Christ. This is the ultimate peace - peace with God that allows us to have peace within ourselves no matter our circumstances. As Jesus said in John 14:27, 'Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.' Jesus' interaction with the sinful woman also shows us that no one is too far gone for his forgiveness and peace. It doesn't matter what we've done or how unworthy we feel. If we come to Jesus in humble faith, he will receive us, forgive us, and send us out with his peace. He is the source of all true peace. As Ephesians 2:14 says, 'For he himself is our peace.' In a world filled with turmoil, sin and brokenness, Jesus invites all to come to him and find rest for our weary souls. He alone can calm the storms in our hearts and give us peace that surpasses understanding.


The story of the sinful woman and Jesus' declaration of 'Your faith has saved you; go in peace' provides a beautiful picture of the gospel. It shows us the scandalous grace of God - that no matter how badly we've sinned or how unworthy we feel, we can find complete forgiveness and peace in Christ if we come to him in faith. This woman's many sins were wiped away in an instant and replaced with the peace of being reconciled to God. That is the power of Jesus' love and sacrifice for us. As I reflect on this verse, I'm convicted of how often I try to find peace in other things besides Jesus. I look for peace in my circumstances, in my own efforts, or in the approval of others. But that kind of peace is always fleeting and superficial. The woman found true, lasting peace by coming to Jesus in faith and worship. She poured out her heart to him, and he filled her with his peace in return. Am I regularly pouring out my own heart to Jesus and finding my peace in him? Or am I seeking it elsewhere? I'm also challenged by this woman's boldness and humility in approaching Jesus, despite her past and what others thought of her. She didn't let fear or shame hold her back from coming to Christ. She laid all of that down at his feet in worship. So often, I let my own pride, fear and shame keep me from drawing near to Jesus. I stay hidden in my sin instead of running to my Savior in repentance. But this story reminds me that Jesus is always ready to receive me when I come to him, no matter how far I've wandered. As a believer, I have peace with God through faith in Christ. My sins are forgiven and God's wrath towards me has been satisfied through Jesus' sacrifice. That is an incredible gift! But I don't always live in light of that peace. I let the cares of this world and the noise of my own thoughts drown out the 'peace that surpasses understanding' (Philippians 4:7). I need to preach the gospel to myself daily and moment-by-moment, remembering that in Christ, I can have unshakeable peace no matter what storms come my way. This verse is also a powerful reminder to me of the peace I'm called to share with others as a follower of Jesus. Just as he spoke peace over the sinful woman, I want his peace to flow out of me to those around me. I want to be a peacemaker, leading others to the Prince of Peace himself. In a world so desperate for hope and so riddled with anxiety, the peace of Christ is needed now more than ever. May I be a vessel of his peace everywhere I go. Ultimately, the peace Jesus gives is not just the absence of conflict, but the presence of a Person - himself. He doesn't just give peace; he IS our peace. The more I abide in him and stay connected to him, the more his supernatural peace will fill me and flow through me. No matter what brokenness, battles or burdens I face, I can rest in the deep, abiding peace of knowing Christ and being known by him. May I keep coming to him in faith, laying my life at his feet in worship, and receiving his peace that passes understanding.


Heavenly Father, Thank you for the incredible gift of peace that I have through faith in your Son. Like the sinful woman, I come to you now laying down my burdens of sin, shame and fear. I believe that because of Jesus' sacrifice, I am completely forgiven and forever reconciled to you. Let that truth sink deep into my heart. Forgive me for the times I've sought peace outside of you. Forgive me for letting the cares of this world and the lies of the enemy steal my peace. Help me keep my eyes fixed on you, the source of true and lasting peace. Quiet my anxious thoughts with your presence. Lord, I pray that the peace I've found in you would flow out of me to others. Make me an instrument of your peace in my family, workplace, church and community. Give me boldness to share the good news of your peace with those who are hurting and hopeless. Use me to lead them to you, the Prince of Peace. Thank you that no matter what battles I face, I can rest in your unshakeable peace. Thank you that because of Jesus, I am no longer your enemy but your beloved child. Help me abide in you moment by moment, that your supernatural peace would guard my heart and mind. I surrender all to you. In the name of Jesus, my Peace, Amen.