August 25, 2024


2 Chronicles 31:16 - except those enrolled by genealogy, males from three years old and upward—all who entered the house of the Lord as the duty of each day required—for their service according to their offices, by their divisions.


2 Chronicles 31 describes how King Hezekiah organized the priests and Levites to ensure proper worship in the temple and distribution of tithes and offerings. Verse 16 specifically mentions that males from three years old and up who entered the house of the Lord to perform their daily duties were enrolled by genealogy. This enrollment included not only the priests and Levites themselves, but also their little children, wives, sons and daughters (v.18). This passage highlights the importance placed on worshipping God as an entire family in ancient Israel. The priests and Levites had to dedicate themselves fully to serving in the temple, so provisions were made to support their families as well. Even young children, from three years old and up, were included in this enrollment, likely so they could be dedicated to the Lord's service from a young age. The passage notes that this enrollment was done faithfully and the distribution was handled with integrity. Including the children ensured that the next generation was raised to know and serve the Lord from their earliest years. It reflects God's heart for children to be brought to Him and taught His ways. The faithful service of one generation paved the way for the next to worship God in holiness.


This passage about the enrollment of children in temple duties during Hezekiah's reign speaks to God's great love and concern for the youngest among us. It shows that God wants children to be dedicated to Him and taught to worship Him from their earliest years. In the New Testament, Jesus welcomed children and rebuked His disciples for trying to turn them away, saying, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 19:14). Jesus valued children and their childlike faith. He presented them as an example to us of the humility and trust we should have before God. God places great significance on how we raise the next generation. As parents, grandparents, teachers, and church members, we have the weighty privilege and responsibility of leading children to know, love and serve Jesus Christ. We should strive to create homes and churches where even the youngest children are enveloped in prayer and immersed in God's Word and ways. It's easy to view children as too young to really understand spiritual matters. But God can and does work in the hearts of even small children, drawing them to Himself. We should have confidence that the seeds of faith we plant and water through our prayers, teaching and example can take root in children's souls, even at a very early age. At the same time, this passage reminds us that serving the Lord requires the dedication and efforts of the whole family. The work of ministry is not reserved only for adults, but is to be shared by all. When an entire family commits to worshipping and serving God together, it creates a strong foundation for faith to be passed on through the generations. May we, like the Levites, be found faithful in dedicating our children to the Lord and diligently raising them to know and love Him. And may we welcome and value the children among us as Jesus does, recognizing their preciousness in God's sight and their potential to have a childlike faith that can inspire us all. As we nurture the next generation in the ways of God, we can trust that He will establish their steps and use them for His purposes and glory.


Gracious Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your great love for children and for entrusting them to our care. Help us to welcome them as Jesus does and to lead them to know You from their earliest years. Give us wisdom, patience and creativity as we teach them Your Word and model lives fully devoted to worshipping and serving You. We pray that You would work in the hearts and minds of the children among us, drawing them into a saving relationship with You. Help them to grow strong in their faith and to develop a childlike trust in You. May they come to know the breadth and length and height and depth of Your love for them. We ask that You would raise up a new generation who will boldly declare Your praises and shine Your light in this dark world. Use the seeds of faith planted in their lives to bear much fruit for Your Kingdom. Strengthen their roots in Your truth and ways so that they can stand firm against the pressures of this world. Bless our homes and churches as we seek to worship and serve You together as families. Knit us together in love and unity and make us a light to those around us. May they see You in us and be drawn to the hope we have in You. Thank You for the privilege of participating in Your work of making disciples of all nations, including the little ones You have placed in our spheres of influence. Equip us for this great task and use us for Your glory. In Jesus' mighty name we pray, Amen.

Generated Image(s)

Generations united in holy praise, Worshipping the Lord with childlike grace.

Generations united in holy praise,
Worshipping the Lord with childlike grace.

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