December 27, 2023


Proverbs 17:17-18 - A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.


Proverbs 17:17-18 tells us that a true friend loves us at all times, even during difficult times of adversity when we need them most. A brother may be related to us by blood, but it is a friend who chooses to stick by our side no matter the circumstance. True friendship is a blessing, offering unconditional love and support through both good and bad times in life. While family is important, it takes a real friend to be there for the long haul, through prosperity and hardship alike.


Friendship is such a precious gift. In a world where relationships can be fleeting and superficial, it is truly a blessing to have someone we can count on without question - someone who is committed to seeing us through life's ups and downs. A friend offers an acceptance and understanding that lifts our burdens and encourages our hearts. As this passage reminds us, it is all too easy for even those closest to us by blood to distance themselves when times get difficult. But a true friend sticks closer than a brother, proving their loyalty through trying circumstances. Jesus is the ultimate example of selfless, unconditional friendship - He laid down His very life for us out of love. His friendship knows no end. He promises to be with us always, through every challenge and trial, offering comfort, guidance and strength. What a blessing it is to have such a faithful Friend!


Lord, thank You for the gift of friendship and for those in my life who have shown me true, steadfast love. I pray that I would be that kind of friend to others - always present in both good times and bad, offering empathy, care, and an open ear. Help me to reflect Your own faithful, compassionate nature in all my relationships. And most of all, thank You for Your unfailing friendship. You are the perfect example of a loving companion who is always by my side. I am grateful to call You my dearest Friend. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Generated Image(s)

Two figures stand shoulder to shoulder, their hands clasped in prayer, drawing strength from a bond that will endure whatever storms may come. A light shines down upon them, a reminder of the faithful Friend who promises to be near whenever darkness threatens to overwhelm.

Two figures stand shoulder to shoulder, their hands clasped in prayer, drawing strength from a bond that will endure whatever storms may come. A light shines down upon them, a reminder of the faithful Friend who promises to be near whenever darkness threatens to overwhelm.

This image was generated by AI from the devotion text.