April 3, 2024


Hebrews 11:6 - And without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.


This passage from Hebrews 11 highlights the importance of faith in the Christian life. It starts by defining faith as being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see (v.1). Through faith, we understand that God created the universe out of nothing (v.3). The passage then gives examples of faith from the Old Testament. Abel offered a sacrifice by faith, and God accepted it (v.4). Enoch was taken up to heaven because he had faith and pleased God (v.5). Noah built the ark by faith when warned about the coming flood (v.7). Abraham left his home by faith when called by God (v.8). Even though none of them received what was promised during their lifetime, they lived by faith because they trusted God's promises (vv.13, 39-40). The key message is that without faith it is impossible to please God (v.6). To come to God, we must believe that he exists and rewards those who earnestly seek him. This passage encourages us to live by faith as we follow Jesus.


This passage challenges me to examine my own faith. Do I truly believe God exists and rewards those who seek him, even when I don't see immediate results? The heroes of faith in this chapter teach me that walking with God often requires persevering for a long time without receiving the promise (v.39). Like Abraham, I must continue trusting God even when his promises seem impossible (v.11). I'm also reminded that faith isn't some vague, mystical feeling. True biblical faith leads to action and obedience, as we see with Noah building the ark (v.7) and Abraham leaving his home (v.8). My faith should inspire me to actively follow and serve God in my daily life. Even when I don't see the outcome, I can trust that God sees the full picture and ultimately rewards those who diligently seek him (v.6). This passage gives me hope. I may not be a giant of faith like Abraham, but even my small faith pleases God when it leads me to earnestly seek him. I'm encouraged to nurture my faith daily through studying God's word, prayer and fellowship with other believers. As I walk this faith journey, God gives me glimpses of his faithfulness, building my trust in his promises for the future.


Father God, thank you for the inspiring examples of faith in this passage. Give me the kind of faith that perseveres over long years without giving up. Increase my trust in you and help me believe that you reward those who earnestly seek you. Give me the courage to step out in faith and obedience as I follow Jesus daily. Grow my faith as I spend time in your Word and with your people. Help me trust that you are faithful, even when I cannot yet see the fulfillment of your promises. Amen.

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By faith, we step forward into the unknown, Trusting the One who lights the path ahead.

By faith, we step forward into the unknown,
Trusting the One who lights the path ahead.

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