April 5, 2024


Isaiah 12:14-15 - With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. And you will say in that day: “Give thanks to the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted.


This Bible reading from Isaiah 12:3 speaks of drawing water with joy from the wells of salvation. It describes the great joy and satisfaction that comes from receiving God's gift of salvation, which provides us with spiritual life and refreshment. Just as water is essential for physical life and quenches thirst in a dry climate, so God's salvation brings us spiritual life and satisfies our deepest needs. The passage emphasizes that this salvation is freely available to all who seek it, but we must actively draw this water - we must reach out in faith to receive what God provides. As we do so, we can draw with great joy, because it is all from Him. The wells will never run dry because the source is Jesus Himself. The reading reminds us that coming to Christ should fill us with gladness and praise for His provision.


This passage is a great reminder that the Christian life is meant to be marked by deep and abiding joy. All too often we fail to live in light of the amazing gift of salvation we have received. We walk around with frowns and heavy hearts as if we have nothing to celebrate. But Isaiah tells us that the wells of salvation should fill us with joy and praise! When we truly grasp what Christ has done for us, joy should be the natural response. We were lost - separated from God by our sin - facing judgment. Yet God Himself made a way through Christ to not only rescue us from condemnation, but to give us new spiritual life as His children. Why would we not rejoice in this? Why would we not eagerly draw from His wells every day? May this passage encourage each of us to tap into the joy God intends His salvation to bring. Let's stop trying to manufacture happiness through shallow pleasures or achievements. Instead, as we draw deeply of Christ and live out of the wells of salvation, His joy will naturally fill our hearts and lives. This kind of soul-deep joy remains despite circumstances because it flows from the never-ending fountain of Jesus Himself.


Lord Jesus, thank You for the incredible gift of salvation. Forgive us for failing to live each day in light of what You have done for us. Fill our hearts with joy and praise as we draw from Your wells of salvation by faith. Satisfy our deepest longings as we come to You. Remind us always that Your life-giving water is freely available to quench our thirst. May drawing near to You be our greatest joy each day. Amen.

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Joy springs eternal from the well of salvation

Joy springs eternal from the well of salvation

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