November 25, 2023
Mark 10:13-14 - And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, "Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God."
In today's Bible reading from Mark chapter 10, we see Jesus welcoming children and defending their place in God's kingdom. The disciples were trying to keep people from bringing children to Jesus, perhaps because they saw the children as a distraction. But Jesus was indignant at this attitude. He said "Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God." Jesus wanted the children to come freely to be blessed by him. He used the example of children to teach his disciples an important lesson - that those who are humble and trusting like children are most fit to receive God's kingdom. We must come to God with childlike faith, trusting in him completely as a child trusts their parent, in order to enter his kingdom.
This Bible passage reminds us of the preciousness of children in God's sight. While the world may see children as unimportant or a burden, Jesus lifts them up as examples for us to follow. He wants us to have childlike faith - simple trust and dependence on God, without pretense or pride. Like children, we must come to God freely and openly to receive his blessings. We cannot earn our way into God's kingdom through our own works or righteousness. We must receive it as a free gift, through faith in Jesus.
It's also striking that Jesus was indignant at the disciples for trying to turn children away. He clearly valued welcoming the little ones and blessing them. As followers of Christ, we should cherish children as gifts from God and and never see them as annoyances or distractions from more important matters. We must make room for children in our churches, families and communities. Like Jesus, we should want them to freely come to experience God's love and grace.
This passage also reminds us that God sees beyond outward appearances. While the disciples may have thought children were unimportant, Jesus lifts them up as examples of faith. God does not judge as humans judge. He looks on the heart. We too must judge less by outward status or accomplishments, and see the intrinsic worth of all people as God sees them - including the littlest among us.
Dear God, thank you for the example of children and their childlike faith. Help us to come to you with humble and trusting hearts, freely receiving your blessings. May we cherish all people as you cherish them, including the little children. Guide us to make space for children in our lives, families, churches and communities, as Jesus did. May your kingdom be experienced freely by both young and old alike. We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
Generated Image(s)
The Child of Faith
With arms outstretched in welcome, Jesus lifts a child,
While disciples scorn and scoff, thinking them too wild.
But Christ with love gazes upon each smiling face,
For in their simple trust, God's kingdom they embrace.
This image was generated by AI from the devotion text.