September 14, 2023


Acts 22:16 - And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name.’


In Acts 22:16, the apostle Paul urges his listeners to not wait any longer, but to rise and be baptized, washing away their sins and calling on the name of the Lord. This command is a call to action, a reminder that baptism is an important step in the journey of faith. Just as salt adds flavor and light illuminates darkness, we are called to be the salt and light of the world. Our baptism signifies our commitment to follow Christ and be a witness to His love and grace. It is through baptism that our sins are washed away, and we are made new in Christ. As we reflect on this reading, let us remember the significance of our own baptism and the call to live as salt and light in the world. May our lives shine with the goodness of God, so that others may see our good works and give glory to our Father in heaven.


Baptism is not just a symbolic act, but a powerful moment of transformation. It is a public declaration of our faith and a commitment to follow Jesus. In baptism, we are united with Christ in His death and resurrection, and our sins are washed away. It is a moment of surrender, as we acknowledge our need for a Savior and place our trust in Him. As we rise from the waters of baptism, we are filled with the Holy Spirit, empowered to live a life that reflects the love and grace of God. Our baptism reminds us of the incredible gift of salvation and the new life we have in Christ. It is a reminder that we are called to be salt and light in the world, bringing flavor and illumination to those around us. Let us not take our baptism lightly, but let it be a constant reminder of our identity as children of God and our mission to share His love with others.


Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of baptism and the opportunity to be washed clean of our sins. Help us to remember the significance of our own baptism and to live as salt and light in the world. Fill us with your Holy Spirit, that we may shine with the goodness of God and bring glory to your name. Guide us in our daily lives, that we may reflect your love and grace to those around us. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Generated Image(s)

"February arrivals find hope in the deep waters of rebirth."

"February arrivals find hope in the deep waters of rebirth."

This image was generated by AI from the devotion text.

"February arrivals find hope in the deep waters of rebirth."

This image was generated by AI from the devotion text.