March 8, 2024


Proverbs 14:21 - The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.


This Bible verse teaches an important principle about generosity and caring for those in need. It says that those who are generous and share their food with the poor will be blessed. The verse contrasts the generous person with the selfish person. The generous person is concerned about others and is willing to give of their own resources to help meet the needs of the poor. This kind of generosity reflects God's generosity and care for people. Those who live generously are promised blessing from God. In the ancient Israelite context, food was the most basic necessity of life. To share one's food with a poor or hungry person was an act of great compassion and sacrifice. It meant going without something yourself in order to provide for someone else's basic needs. So this proverb encourages generosity even when it requires personal sacrifice on our part. The promise is that the generous will be blessed in return by God. Jesus reinforced this same principle when he said “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). The contrast is made with the selfish or uncaring person who ignores the needs right in front of them. This verse implies that those who do not care for the poor will miss out on God's blessing in their own lives.


This verse challenges me to think about the needs of others and not just my own. It's easy for me to live in my comfortable bubble, unaware or unaffected by those around me who may be struggling just to survive. I think God wants to break through my indifference and open my eyes to see the hurtings and needs in my community. I realize I am incredibly blessed with food, clothing, shelter and so much more. But there are many even in my city who do not have some of their basic needs met. What am I doing to help? Am I generous with the resources God has given me? Or do I selfishly hoard what I have, thinking only of myself? The promise of this verse motivates me to be more generous. God says the generous will be blessed. As they give to meet the needs of others, God will make sure their own needs are supplied. This seems counterintuitive - normally we would think generosity leads to having less, not more. But God's economy functions differently than the world's economy. When we give freely and cheerfully, God promises to bless us in return. I want to have the kind of generous heart that freely shares what I have with others. I don't want to be tight-fisted but open-handed, not worried about my own lack but trusting that God will provide for me as I seek to be a blessing to those around me. My prayer is for God to give me compassion, awareness of needs around me, and the willingness to sacrifice my own comfort if necessary to help others.


Father God, soften my heart towards those who are struggling and in need. Open my eyes to see the hurtings and hardships faced by people right around me. Give me a generous spirit that cares more about being a blessing to others than protecting my own comfort. Supply me with the resources I need so that I can freely share with those who are lacking basic necessities. As I give generously to help meet needs, cause me to experience the blessing and joy that comes from caring for others. Amen.

Generated Image(s)

Blessed to be a blessing, She freely gives from God's store.

Blessed to be a blessing,
She freely gives from God's store.

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