February 7, 2024


Ecclesiastes 7:8-10 - Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. Do not be quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the heart of fools. Say not, “Why were the former days better than these?” For it is not from wisdom that you ask this.


This passage from Ecclesiastes encourages patience in spirit. It says that it is better to have patience than to be proud or quick to anger. Anger only leads to more foolishness. We should not long for or romanticize the past, thinking former days were better. Instead, we should patiently accept both good and bad in life, knowing that God has appointed both prosperity and adversity. Other passages reinforce the importance of patience. Proverbs exalts the one who is slow to anger and rules his spirit. It's more honorable to stop quarreling than to strife over pride. Any fool can stir up conflict, but the prudent calm contention. We must plow through difficulties, not run from them out of laziness. Pain can bring cleansing from evil, as blows cleanse the inner depths of the heart. Overall, the clear message is that patience, longsuffering and self-control are far better responses than anger, pride or conflict. With patience we can accept life's ups and downs, endure blows that shape character, stop striving when appropriate and find wisdom.


This passage challenges me to cultivate greater patience, especially when difficulty comes. When adversity strikes, when opposition arises, when plans get derailed - that's when my patience is tested most. Too often I get frustrated or angry, grumbling about my circumstances. But God's Word instructs me to have patience in spirit during those times. I'm reminded that both good and bad come from God's hand. He uses both prosperity and adversity to shape me. The blows that hurt, while painful, can cleanse sinful tendencies from my heart. I should plow through trials rather than running from them. God allows suffering to refine me, not to harm me. I want to trust God more in the difficulties of life, enduring them with grace and patience. I want to stop striving so often, surrendering my pride and desire to be right. Patience is a fruit of the Spirit, available as I walk in His power. I know He will complete His good work in me as I yield to His work during seasons of adversity. Patience isn't just gritting my teeth waiting for pain to pass - it's fully trusting God's goodness and timing in each season.


Father God, teach me to patiently trust You, especially when adversity comes my way. Guard my heart against pride and hasty anger. Help me rule my spirit well, enduring difficulty with grace. Remind me that You use both good and bad to shape me into Christ's image. Give me patience to plow through trials rather than running from them. Search my heart and cleanse me from anything displeasing to You. Help me rest in Your sovereign plan, trusting Your goodness even when I face suffering. Thank You for completing Your work in me. I surrender to Your timing and will for my life. In Jesus' name, amen.

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With patience we wait on the Lord, trusting His timing, surrendering our striving.

With patience we wait on the Lord, trusting His timing, surrendering our striving.

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