March 13, 2024


1 Thessalonians 5:25-27 - Brothers, pray for us. Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss. I put you under oath before the Lord to have this letter read to all the brothers.


In this short passage from 1 Thessalonians, Paul asks the brothers to pray for him and his companions. He recognizes the power and importance of prayer. Paul greets all the brothers with a holy kiss, showing his affection for them. He also puts them under oath to have this letter read aloud to all the brothers, wanting his message about prayer and other teachings to be spread widely among the believers.


Prayer is so vital for all believers. As Paul demonstrates, even apostles who had seen the risen Christ needed the prayers of other brothers and sisters. If someone like Paul depended on the prayers of average Christians, how much more do we need prayer! When we pray for others, it allows God's power, wisdom and love to flow through us to bless them. And when others pray for us, the same happens - we receive divine blessings from God through the care and intercession of fellow Christians. Paul didn't keep his needs quiet but openly asked for prayer and help from the Thessalonians. We should follow his example and be willing to share our struggles and requests with other believers who can pray for us. And we in turn can seek out ways to pray for our leaders and those spreading the gospel like Paul. The holy kiss Paul mentions reflects the depth of Christian fellowship and family. We are brothers and sisters through Christ's blood, closer than any earthly family. Cultivating close relationships and community with other Christians allows us to support and pray for one another more consistently and effectively. Just as Paul sought to spread his letter and teachings widely, we need to spread prayer and support widely in the church family.


Father God, we lift up our spiritual leaders and gospel workers to you today, asking your hand of blessing, wisdom and protection on them, just as Paul requested prayer. Embolden and encourage those who are spreading your Word, and allow their ministries to bear much fruit. We pray also for our local church leaders and families. Knit our hearts together in closer Christian community and fellowship. Help us to love one another like siblings, bearing each other's burdens and offering prayer and intercession freely. Open our eyes to see practical ways we can pray for others. And we ask you to stir in our own hearts a passion for prayer. Let us reflect Paul's dependence on prayer and his trust in God's faithful answers. In Jesus' name, amen.

Generated Image(s)

United in faith, enveloped in grace; The light of God's love shines on this place.

United in faith, enveloped in grace;
The light of God's love shines on this place.

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