August 19, 2024


Revelation 20:10 - and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.


Revelation 20 describes the final judgment of Satan and all those who have rejected God. After a period of a thousand years where Satan is bound, he will be released to deceive the nations one last time. He will gather a vast army to attack God's people, but fire will come down from heaven and consume them. Then the devil will be thrown into the lake of fire, where the beast and false prophet are, to be tormented day and night forever. This is the ultimate fate of all who persist in rebellion against God. The passage emphasizes the reality and horror of eternal punishment. The lake of fire is described as a place of sulfur and fire, where rebels against God will be tormented perpetually. There is no relief, no rest, no end to the suffering there. It is a sobering reminder that our choices in this life have eternal consequences. To reject the salvation and lordship of Jesus is to choose eternal damnation. However, the good news is that no one has to go to the lake of fire. God desires all people to be saved and has made the way through Jesus. All who put their faith in Christ will be spared from God's wrath and instead receive eternal life. But we must respond to God's offer of grace before it is too late. Once a person dies, their eternal destiny is fixed. Now is the day of salvation. So in light of the reality of hell, we ought to repent of sin, cling to Jesus, and share the gospel with great urgency, so that others may be saved from the coming wrath.


The doctrine of hell is not a pleasant one to consider. The idea of eternal conscious torment is disturbing and can seem incompatible with a loving God. Some choose to reject the notion of hell altogether, arguing that a good God would never allow such a thing. Others try to soften the idea, claiming that hell is merely separation from God or that the wicked will simply be annihilated. But as difficult as it is, we must reckon with the fact that the Bible clearly teaches the reality of hell as a place of never-ending punishment for sin. Jesus spoke about it more than anyone, describing it in vivid terms as a place of fire, darkness, and anguish where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Revelation confirms that the devil and all who side with him will suffer there forever. Why would a loving God send people to such a horrible fate? The answer has to do with the severity of sin and the holiness of God. All sin is ultimately a rejection of God's rightful rule over us. It is cosmic treason against the King of the universe. God's holy nature means that he must punish sin. He would be unjust to simply let it go. The wonder is not that God sends sinners to hell, but that he has made a way for any of us to be saved from it! In his great love and mercy, God sent his Son Jesus to bear the hell that we deserved. On the cross, Jesus endured the full wrath of God against sin, so that we could be forgiven and reconciled to God. He rose from the dead, proving his victory over sin and death. Now all who repent and believe in him can be saved. This is the heart of the gospel. It is the greatest news in the world! But for those who reject Christ, choosing to cling to their sin, hell is the only possible destination. A holy God cannot allow sin into his presence. So those who refuse to accept the salvation Jesus offers have only themselves to blame. God is not gleefully sending people to hell. Rather, people are choosing it by spurning his mercy. The reality of hell should fill us with a holy fear of God and a deep gratitude for the cross. It should drive us to our knees in repentance and cause us to cling closely to Christ. It should also fuel our efforts to share the gospel, knowing that eternal destinies hang in the balance. May God give us compassion for the lost and boldness to snatch them from the fire. And may he keep us ever mindful of the fate we have been saved from, that we might live for his glory all our days.


Father, we tremble at the thought of the lake of fire and the eternal anguish of those who go there. We know that it is a fate we all deserve because of our sin. But we thank you that in your great mercy, you sent Jesus to endure the hell we deserved. Through his death and resurrection, we can be saved. Forgive us for the times we have not taken sin seriously enough. Forgive us for being complacent about the eternal destinies of those around us. Give us a fresh sense of urgency to share the gospel. Help us to feel the weight of what hangs in the balance. Make us willing to do whatever it takes to warn people of the wrath to come and point them to Jesus. Thank you that because of Christ, we need not fear hell. Our sins are forgiven and we are clothed in his perfect righteousness. Help us to live each day in light of the wonderful salvation we have received. May our lives be marked by joyful obedience and eternal gratitude. Keep us from sin and compromise. Make us holy as you are holy. Use us, Lord, to lead many from death to life. May countless people be snatched from the fire and brought safely into your kingdom because of our witness. And may you receive all the glory and praise, forever and ever. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

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Eternal torment in the lake of fire - a sobering warning to all who reject God's mercy.

Eternal torment in the lake of fire - a sobering warning to all who reject God's mercy.

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