January 30, 2024


Proverbs 9:10-11 - The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. For by me your days will be multiplied, and years will be added to your life.


In this passage from Proverbs, Solomon teaches that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. This means having proper reverence, respect, and honor for God. With this foundation, we gain true insight and knowledge. Solomon goes on to personify wisdom as a woman who promises long life and multiplied days to those who follow her ways. In contrast, folly leads to death and destruction. The way of wisdom is straight and narrow, while the way of folly is broad and appealing to the simpleminded. Ultimately, the choice between wisdom and folly has consequences at the individual level. If we are wise, it benefits us through God's blessing. If we scoff at wisdom, we alone pay the price. But the rewards of wisdom far outweigh any temporary pleasures. As Solomon declares, stolen waters may be sweet, but the dead know nothing of wisdom’s eternal riches. The core message is clear: Wisdom starts with fear of the Lord. From that foundation flows insight, discretion, protection, and the blessing of God over a long and prosperous life. May we build our lives on wisdom’s firm foundation!


The book of Proverbs has so much to teach us about cultivating wisdom over folly. As Solomon makes clear, it all starts with proper reverence for God. Do I truly honor the Lord with humble awe and obedience? Or do I tend to scoff at His commands when they contradict my natural desires? The choice is mine whether I will follow the straight path of wisdom or veer onto the broad way of destruction. Wisdom’s path leads to satisfaction and enduring reward, even when it requires self-denial. But folly’s pleasures quickly fade, leaving emptiness and regret. Lord, instill in me a passion for pursuing true wisdom. When temptation calls out with her seductive appeal, help me recognize the deception. I want to walk the narrow way of wisdom, even when it’s unpopular. Give me discernment to weigh short-term gratification against eternal treasure. May reverence for You govern my steps today. Amen.


Heavenly Father, only You see the end from the beginning. Everything in this world is passing away, but Your Word stands forever. Help us build our lives on the solid foundation of wisdom, with Christ as the cornerstone. May we honor You in all our ways, trusting that You will direct our paths. Thank You for the gift of wisdom that leads to life abundant and eternal. Amen.

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Reverence guides the seeking heart through wisdom's winding way.

Reverence guides the seeking heart through wisdom's winding way.

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