August 6, 2024
Romans 5:1 - Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
In Romans 5, Paul explains the incredible benefits that we have received through being justified by faith in Jesus Christ. The first and most fundamental benefit is that we now have peace with God. This peace is not just a subjective feeling, but an objective reality. We were once enemies of God, separated from Him by our sin and facing His righteous wrath. But now, through faith in Christ, we have been reconciled to God. The hostility has ended and we are at peace.
This peace with God is only possible through our Lord Jesus Christ. It is His sacrificial death on the cross that paid the penalty for our sins and satisfied God's justice. When we place our faith in Christ, we are united with Him and His righteousness is credited to our account. God no longer looks at us as guilty sinners, but as righteous in His sight.
Because we have been justified and are at peace with God, we now stand in grace. We have gained access into God's unmerited favor and kindness that will never end. No longer are we striving to earn God's acceptance through our own efforts. We rest in the reality that we are fully accepted and loved by God through Christ.
This grace gives us a firm foundation and confidence to face whatever life may bring. We can rejoice both in the hope of sharing in God's glory in eternity, and even in our present sufferings. For we know that God is using every trial to shape our character and make us more like Christ. Suffering is not meaningless, but is producing endurance, character and hope within us.
Our hope will never put us to shame, because it is anchored in the unchanging love of God. He has poured out His love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. We can know that we are secure in His love forever. Nothing can separate us from His love. As we look to the cross, we see the supreme demonstration of God's love, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Having been reconciled through His death, we can be absolutely confident that we will be saved from God's wrath on the day of judgment. For if God gave His own Son to save us when we were His enemies, how much more will He save us now that we are His beloved children! In Jesus, we have a living hope and unshakeable peace, both now and forever.
The peace that we have with God through faith in Jesus Christ is a truth that should fill us with incredible joy and gratitude each day. So often, we can lose sight of the magnitude of what Christ has done for us and what we have received in Him. We can let the cares, stresses and distractions of life drown out the glorious reality that we are forever at peace with God.
When we pause to really meditate on this truth, it should leave us in awe. We were hopeless, helpless sinners, totally unable to make ourselves right with God. Our best efforts at being righteous were like filthy rags in His sight. We were objects of wrath, storing up judgment for ourselves. The holy, perfect God was our enemy and we were powerless to change that. What an absolutely desperate and terrifying position to be in.
Yet God, in His great love and mercy, did not leave us in that state. He sent His own beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to reconcile us to Himself. On the cross, Jesus took the wrath and punishment that we deserved. He paid the full penalty for our sin, absorbing the cup of God's anger against sin down to the very last drop. And He gave us His perfect righteousness in exchange for our sin, so that we could be justified in God's sight.
When we repent and believe in Jesus, this great substitution is applied to us. We are no longer enemies but beloved children. We are no longer under wrath but in a permanent state of peace with God. Nothing can ever change this or separate us from His love. No matter what opposition we face from the world, the flesh or the devil, we can stand firm knowing that the most important relationship has been forever reconciled. We have the certain hope of eternal life and infinite joy in God's presence.
This is why we can rejoice even in our sufferings and trials. For we know that in all things, God is working for our good, to make us more like Christ. Just as Jesus learned obedience through what He suffered, so our suffering is not pointless. It is producing endurance and character as we lean on God's strength and grace. And it is reminding us that this world is not our home. We are citizens of a heavenly kingdom that cannot be shaken.
As those who have peace with God, we are now called to live in a way that reflects this new reality. No longer are we to live for ourselves and our own selfish desires. We are to live for the glory and praise of the One who saved us. Having been brought near by the blood of Christ, we are to put away the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. We are to let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts, being thankful and showing love, forgiveness and grace to others. For the peace and hope that we have received is not meant to be hoarded but shared.
May we never lose the wonder of the peace we have with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. In a world of turmoil, conflict and despair, we have a peace that surpasses all understanding, that guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Prince of Peace, and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. For in His presence is fullness of joy and peace forevermore.
Heavenly Father,
We come before You with hearts overflowing with gratitude and praise. For while we were still sinners, lost in darkness and rebellion against You, You showed Your great love for us by sending Your Son, Jesus Christ, to die in our place. Through faith in His finished work on the cross, we have now been justified and have peace with You. We are no longer Your enemies, but Your beloved children.
Thank You that this peace is not dependent on our performance, but on Your grace alone. When we stumble and fall, we can run to You, knowing that nothing can separate us from Your love. In a world filled with chaos, conflict and uncertainty, our hearts can be at rest, knowing that You are on Your throne and Your purposes will prevail.
Lord, help us to live each day in light of the peace we have with You. May the reality of our reconciled relationship with You permeate every aspect of our lives. Help us to be peacemakers, extending the love, forgiveness and mercy that we have received to those around us. Use us as instruments of Your peace in our homes, workplaces, schools and communities.
Thank You that we can rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that they are not meaningless, but are producing endurance, character and hope within us. Give us eyes to see Your hand at work, even in the midst of trials and pain. May we cling to the truth that You are working all things for our good and Your glory.
Fill us afresh with Your Holy Spirit, that we may overflow with Your supernatural peace and hope. May our lives radiate the joy and confidence that comes from knowing we are forever at peace with You. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
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Tranquil waters, eternal peace -
Reflecting heaven's embrace.
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