March 6, 2024


Romans 5:1 - Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.


In Romans 5, Paul discusses the peace we have with God through faith in Jesus Christ. Because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, God's justice towards us is satisfied eternally. We have peace with God, not because of anything we have done, but because of what Christ has done for us. This peace comes through faith in Christ. Paul also says we have access to God's grace through faith. Though we were once separated from God because of sin, now through Christ we can come freely into God's presence. We can rejoice in the hope of sharing in God's glory. Paul goes on to say that we can even rejoice in our sufferings, because they produce perseverance, character, and hope. Suffering helps shape us to be more like Christ. And the hope we have in Christ does not disappoint us. Why? Because God has poured His love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. The Spirit's presence in our lives assures us of God's love. So in summary, because of Christ's sacrifice, we have peace with God, access to His grace, the hope of future glory, joy even in sufferings, and an outpouring of God's love in our hearts through the Spirit. What amazing gifts we have in Christ!


This passage highlights the incredible blessings we have through faith in Christ. As believers, we have peace with God - there is no longer hostility between us. What a comfort to know God is not against us! We also stand in His grace - we don't deserve His favor, but He gives it freely. I love how Paul says we can rejoice in our sufferings. That seems counterintuitive, yet Paul knew suffering produces good fruit in our lives. As we endure trials, our faith and character are refined. We become more like Jesus. And through it all, we have hope - hope in Christ and the glory to come. This hope does not disappoint us because God pours His love into our hearts by the Spirit. What assurance! How easy it is to lose sight of these blessings in the busyness of life. That is why we must be intentional about reflecting on the riches we have in Christ. He has given us peace, grace, hope, joy, love - all through His sacrifice on the cross. As we fix our eyes on Jesus, we gain an eternal perspective and can walk through every season of life with confidence in Him.


Father God, thank You for the peace we have with You through Christ. Thank You for reconciling us to Yourself and removing the hostility caused by sin. Help us to daily reflect on the grace we stand in - grace that we could never deserve or earn. Grow our hope in You as we endure difficult seasons, knowing our suffering is producing fruit. Above all, thank You for pouring out Your extravagant love on us through Your Spirit. May we walk in the confidence of that love today. In Jesus' name, amen.

Generated Image(s)

I kneel in prayer, surrounded by God's enveloping peace and love.

I kneel in prayer, surrounded by God's enveloping peace and love.

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