March 25, 2024


Matthew 19:13-15 - Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” And he laid his hands on them and went away.


In this Bible passage, some parents brought their young children to Jesus so that He could bless them by laying His hands on them and praying for them. However, Jesus' disciples rebuked the parents and tried to send the children away. But Jesus corrected His disciples and welcomed the children. He said, 'Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.' Then Jesus laid His hands on the children, blessed them, and sent them on their way. This passage shows several important truths. First, it shows Jesus' love and care for all people, including children. In Jesus' day, children were often overlooked and considered unimportant. But Jesus valued children, welcomed them, and blessed them. Second, it shows that Jesus cares more for the heart attitude than outward appearances. His disciples likely thought the children were a distraction or nuisance. But Jesus saw their simple, trusting faith and said the kingdom of heaven belongs to ones like them. Third, it presents children as an example for adults. Unless we have childlike humility, trust, and lack of pretense, we cannot enter God's kingdom. Children simply believe and receive; they do not boast in their own goodness or accomplishments. We too must set aside pride and self-righteousness to receive salvation through childlike faith. So this passage provides beautiful insight into Jesus' loving care for all people, His focus on spiritual realities rather than outward ones, and the example of childlike faith that we must emulate.


As I reflect on this passage, I'm struck by how often I'm more like Jesus' disciples than I'd care to admit. When children come around, wanting my time and attention, I can easily get annoyed by the disruption, distraction, or neediness. I try to shoo them away or ignore them rather than receiving them with care and blessing them. I think that tendency reveals a deeper heart issue - a lack of Christlike love, a focus on my own agenda over others' needs, and a lack of humility. If the kingdom belongs to childlike ones, yet I do not gladly welcome them, something is amiss in my walk with God. My impatience with children likely reflects an impatience with people in general who don't fit my expectations. As with Jesus' disciples, I need an attitude adjustment. I should see value in all people, including children, as being made in God's image. I should lay down my own agenda and make time for those needing my care or blessing. I should receive people with humility, remembering I am not superior, just needy in my own way. And I desperately need more childlike faith, simply receiving from my Father rather than boasting in my own goodness. Lord, forgive me when I'm more like the disciples shooing away children than like Jesus welcoming them. Soften my heart, adjust my attitude, increase my faith, and help me to receive all people, including children, as You do - with grace and blessing. May childlike humility, trust and receptiveness mark my life. Help me gladly welcome any who come seeking Your love and grace.


Gracious Father, thank You for welcoming and blessing the little children who came to Your Son, Jesus. Thank You that He loves children dearly, values even the least among us, and presents a childlike faith as an example for us all. Forgive us for the times when we, like Jesus' disciples, are too impatient, self-focused or proud to gently welcome, care for, and bless the children You bring across our path. Soften our hearts to reflect Your great love and to see all people, including children, as eternal souls to love, serve and bless in Your name. In Jesus' name, amen.

Generated Image(s)

"Let the little children come to Me" Jesus welcomes the children, blessing each one, While the disciples look on, their lesson yet unknown.

"Let the little children come to Me"
Jesus welcomes the children, blessing each one,
While the disciples look on, their lesson yet unknown.

This image was generated by AI from the devotion text.